Sarah Hutchinson
Sales Partner

Licensing: 225085797
Sarah Hutchinson
Sales Partner

Licensing: 225085797

As a licensed Realtor for over 20 years, Sarah Hutchinson offers a wealth of knowledge and industry expertise, providing peace of mind to home buyers and sellers.  Sarah's skills have been recognized by many, most recently being named a 5 Star Realtor in 2014-2017 by Richmond Magazine. Armed with an ABR and GRI designation, Sarah shares her  industry know-how with fellow agents as the Sales Manager for Mission Realty and has successfully closed 20 million dollars in sales over the last two years alone. Her "mission" is not to make a sale but assist her clients with their best financial decision.  She is a natural because she knows how to listen so that she hears what the client wants and needs.  Sarah enjoys working with all clients and can adapt very easily to any client in terms of pace, personality and motivation. When Sarah isn't diligently assisting clients, or making her colleagues laugh with her witty personality,  she likes to travel and then travel some more with family and friends.

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